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Fantastic 49 Nomination Form

Nominate a staff member, student or volunteer for Fantastic 49!

Staff and students in District 49 are doing amazing things, and we want to hear about them.

  • Do you know a teacher who is exceptional and stands out above the rest?
  • Do you know an employee in a support department who always goes above and beyond?
  • Do you know a student who is making a difference in your school or community?
  • Do you know a parent or community volunteer who truly stands out for their exceptional dedication and impact on your school?

Fantastic 49 allows the Board of Education and district leadership to honor outstanding contributors in District 49.

Honorees are recognized during a special presentation before each monthly board meeting. Those honored will receive a plaque at the presentation, small gift card thanks to generous corporate sponsors, and be featured on, social media and our Peakview Screens in all buildings.

Don't delay ... nominate an amazing District 49 team member, student or volunteer today!

***Note: Nominations close 2 weeks before each board meeting. If you would like your nominee to be considered for a specific meeting date, please submit your application before that window.