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District 49 Wellness


D49's Wellness mission is to increase engagement by providing education and facilitating opportunities for the D49 community to follow best practices around physical, mental, social, and emotional wellness.


Promote and support health and wellness practices for the D49 community.

Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child

Wellness WSCC model

The District 49 Board of Education recognizes the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model as the best practice for addressing health in schools. It further recognizes that a significant body of research indicates a positive correlation with optimal health, learning, and academic success. 

The WSCC model consists of ten interactive components including: Family Engagement, Community Involvement, Health Education, Physical Education and Physical Activity, Health Services, Nutrition Environment and Services, Counseling, Psychological and Social Services, Physical Environment, Social and Emotional Climate, and Health Promotion for Staff. Each component strengthens the others and the overall goal is to LIVE HEALTHY! A more in depth guide to the WSCC model and the role it play within schools is located at:

Districtwide Wellness Advisory Council

Districtwide Wellness Advisory Council (DWAC) is overseen by the District’s Health and Wellness Specialist. The purpose of the council is to monitor the implementation of the Wellness Policy, evaluate the District’s progress of the policy’s goals, serve as a resource to schools, and recommend revisions to the Wellness Policy as the council deems necessary and/or appropriate. Representatives of the following groups are invited to sit on this committee to further the reach of wellness in D49: Physical Education, Teachers, Board of Education, School Administrators, Communications, School Health Professionals, Community Health Professionals, Nutrition Services, Parent(s), and Student(s). The DWAC meets a minimum of three times per school year. If you are interested in joining this committee please contact CharLynn Stegman, Health and Wellness Specialist,